The shared supervised internship of mathematics in the pandemic context: actions of the movement of an institutionalized policy

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Maria do Carmo de Sousa


This article refers to a qualitative research, characterized as documentary and interpretive in a historical perspective. It aims to present the movement of an institutionalized policy of shared supervised internship in mathematics, identifying the actions that may arise from this movement, with special attention to the pandemic context. The research methodology was carried out in two stages: 1. Documentary study from National documents and from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) on mandatory supervised internships, including documents published for the pandemic context; 2. Interpretative analysis of data from institutional meetings of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) in the pandemic context, since, in this institution, the shared supervised internship is an integral part of it. The results show that the shared supervised internship has been strengthened as the institutionalization process has been advancing. The actions identified in this process consider three dimensions: national and regional teacher training policy; management of articulation between university and school and pedagogical training with a view to the practices that occur in internships. Finally, such actions bring reflections on the context of remote teaching in Basic Education and the organization of supervised internship in this period, in relation to the Licentiate Degree in Mathematics at Federal University of São Carlos.


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Sousa, M. do C. de, Zampieri, M. T. ., & Gama, R. P. (2021). The shared supervised internship of mathematics in the pandemic context: actions of the movement of an institutionalized policy. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 2(01), e202126.
Dossiê Temático - O Estágio Curricular Supervisionado em Matemática


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