The supervised internship contributing to the master student's training process in the teaching internship in times of pandemic
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This study is an experience report on the realization of the Teaching Internship/CAPES during a Master's Course in Teaching at the State University of Southwest Bahia-UESB. It was carried out in 2021 in a 5th semester class of the Mathematics degree course. The purpose of the report is to expose reflections when performing a Teaching Internship in a Supervised Internship discipline, in times of pandemic. More specifically: characterize the in-person and virtual Teaching Internship (DE); contrast the Supervised Internship (ES) performed in person with the ES held remotely and register the contributions of the ES in the master's training process while performing the ED, in virtual mode. The participation of the master's student, during the internship, took place through acting in synchronous classes, readings and discussions of texts, activities proposed by the teacher and second author of this report; observation of classes taught by ES students and the opportunity of conducting. Data collection was done through analytical notes and report production by the master. As a result, the teaching internship was an experience of great relevance, as it provided the opportunity to know teaching strategies, sharing knowledge about planning, assessment, problem solving and reflection on teaching practice. Carrying out the ED was fundamental for both the academic and professional training of the first author. Internship (ES) performed in person with the ES held remotely and register the contributions of the ES in the master's training process while performing the ED, in virtual mode. Data collection was done through analytical notes and report production by the master's student at the Internship/CAPES. The experience provided an opportunity to know teaching strategies, knowledge sharing and reflection on teaching practice. As a result, the teaching internship was constituted as an experience of great relevance, as: participation in lives, readings and discussions of texts, classes and activities that were proposed by the teacher; observation of classes taught by ES students in classes where the master teaches and the opportunity to conduct, constituted fundamental activities for both my academic and professional training.
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