Knowledge and learning produced and mobilized by future teachers in an Internship course Possibilities in the Pandemic Context

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Priscila Bernardo Martins
Julia de Cassia Pereira Nascimento
Jane Garcia de Carvalho


In this article we seek to highlight and discuss how the proposal of the Emergency Activities Plan implemented in a discipline of Supervised Internship in Mathematics in the Final Years of Elementary School, offered in the Licentiate Degree in Mathematics in the distance modality of a private Higher Education institution in city ​​of São Paulo, can contribute to the production and mobilization of knowledge of the learning of future teachers. For this, the study was guided by a qualitative approach. Among the adopted procedures, the narratives of future teachers described in the internship reports (an integral part of the internship completion) were analyzed as a way to reflect and report an experience, seeking what these narratives reveal about the internship from proposed activities. Among the results, we can highlight that, with the emergency activities for internship, it was clear that educational institutions should promote training that incorporate the development of skills, in future teachers, through reflection on a possible professional practice. In other words, teachers need to be subjected to situations in which they experience the general and specific competences of a guiding document that aims to align Brazilian curriculum documents, taking into account the learning that students must achieve.


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How to Cite
Martins, P. B. ., Nascimento, J. de C. P., & Garcia de Carvalho, J. . (2021). Knowledge and learning produced and mobilized by future teachers in an Internship course Possibilities in the Pandemic Context. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 2(01), e202127.
Dossiê Temático - O Estágio Curricular Supervisionado em Matemática


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