Perspectives and challenges of teaching English from an intercultural approach


  • Monise Priscila Silva Prefeitura Municipal Monte Alto - SP / Faculdade de Educação São Luís


Education, English language, Teaching methodologies


This article aims to present a critical analysis of the perspectives and challenges that exist in the teaching of English language today, based on an intercultural approach, given the countless difficulties and changes in the Brazilian educational system and its consequences in the teaching process-learning that directly impact in the English language teaching. Thus, through bibliographic review, it seeks to collect information from published scientific articles, legislation and documents on the subject, in order to form a solid and specific theoretical basis about the research object, using the deductive method to reach the conclusions. At first, it seeks to make a brief historical contextualization about the teaching of the English language in Brazil, observing important events that allow a better understanding of issues related to the theme. Subsequently, the objective is discussing the difficulties faced in the process of teaching and learning English language in Basic Education, raising possible problems and current issues that involve the subject addressed in the research. Finally, through an intercultural approach, it is intended to present new methodologies for teaching English language, analyzing the challenges of its implementation, in view of the relevance of the theme and the search for the language learning today.


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Author Biography

Monise Priscila Silva, Prefeitura Municipal Monte Alto - SP / Faculdade de Educação São Luís

Especialista em Metodologia do Ensino da Língua Inglesa pela Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante - ES.
Professora de Língua Inglesa da Rede Municipal de Ensino – Prefeitura de Monte Alto - SP.


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How to Cite

SILVA, M. P. Perspectives and challenges of teaching English from an intercultural approach. Babel: Revista Eletrônica de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, Alagoinhas, BA, v. 10, n. 2, p. 52–64, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.

