The formation of the lived library and the learning of the judgment of the readings
Bibliotecas pessoais, Formação, Leitura, DocênciaAbstract
Throughout our life we collect works and authors that become unforgettable. For several reasons, some passages, characters and plots remain despite the passage of time and the accumulation of new reading experiences, composing the landscape of our lived libraries. By following the singularities of the trajectories of three authors, who present elements of the fabric of their personal libraries, this article seeks to investigate the formative meanings in the construction of personal relationships with reading. It is understood that such learnings from books proliferate ways of thinking about oneself and about the other, thus, the article will seek to insist on these multiple reflexes of books in individual experiences. One of the aspects to be considered concerns the ways in which the criteria for judging books and their authors are incorporated into the experiences through which it is learned that certain readings are considered good and recognized as legitimate representatives of the valued culture, while others, on the contrary, are perceived as bad, harmful or dangerous for the formation of the reader. Also being teachers, the authors still recover their stories of relationship with the readings at the university in a double sense: as students and as teachers.
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