Songs and charms: weaving together narratives with images and sounds of the city of Rio de Janeiro
Cidade. Rio de Janeiro. Narrativas. Encontros. Caminhadas.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to present the paths and walks through the many streets, lanes and alleys of life that lead us to the various places in/around the city of Rio de Janeiro. Surrounded by beautiful nature, we glimpse a city that is formed, deformed and transformed by so many 'thinking practitioners' who have found in the hills and asphalt a possibility to continue creating multiple 'knowledge-significations'. By considering the city as a 'space-time' for 'making sense of thinking' about the many forms and ways of life that exist, we understand Rio de Janeiro, with its corners and charms, as a fabric of experiences, a fertile ground of knowledge, cultures and possibilities for creating and sharing knowledge. In this way, this text is an invitation to walk through some 'spaces-times' that lead us to a feeling of being with/in the city. We want to propose that you walk with us in a (re)knowledge and identification, or not, through the music, the verses of the many poetics that are articulated with the experiences of the streets, with the images and narratives made visible in these steps. The results of these walks are in the beauty of the verses, the prose, the art, the enchantment, and the encounters of this walk through this so-called marvelous city.
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