Teacher training and affection in the teaching-learning process, in the teaching internship and in the teacher-student relationship – initial considerations
affectivity, teaching-learning process, teaching internship, teaching, educationAbstract
The teaching-learning process is subtle and complex, and is not restricted to the school environment. In fact, the person's formation occurs throughout their life in society, having to deal with different variables, including their emotions and the way we deal with everyday events. In this sense, education professionals have great responsibilities, as they need to conform their personal, academic and social interests with the determinations inherent to their pedagogical profession, which change depending on the context and institutions where we work. That said, our proposal is to think about teacher training, as well as pedagogical experience, linked to affectivity. After all, we consider that the teacher, but also the teacher in training and in the internship experience, needs to treat the student as a being endowed with singularities, being the center of the learning process, and a human being who will have in the actions and performance of your teachers will be role models that they will carry into life.
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