Experience report on the first meeting of the ANPUH-BA'S ancient and medieval history gt
ancient history, medieval history, Anpuh-BAAbstract
This work aims to describe the monitoring experience of the first GT on ancient and medieval history at ANPUH-BA, an event that took place virtually, through digital platforms: Google Meet and the YouTube channel: " CMAC - Cultura Material, Antiguidade and Everyday Life" - from the 7th to the 9th of November 2023. The event was attended by several history professors from universities in Bahia (UESB, UEFS, UFBA, UFOB and UNEB) - with Dr. Alexandre Galvão Carvalho as general coordinator. The main theme of the GT was: "Teaching ancient and medieval history: contemporary challenges''. The event included conferences, short courses and round tables.
Keywords: Ancient history; Medieval History; Anpuh-BA.
ANPUH-BA - Associação Nacional de História - Seção Bahia. Quem Somos. Disponível em: https://www.bahia.anpuh.org/conteudo/view?ID_CONTEUDO=2433. Acesso em: 29 fev. 2024.
ANPUH - BRASIL - Associação Nacional de História. Quem somos. Disponível em: https://anpuh.org.br/. Acesso em: 29 fev. 2024.
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