Hagano and the hardships of usurpation: The struggles between Charles the straightforward and Robert of Neustria for the crown of Francia between justifications and intentions



Francia, 9th-10th centuries, monarchy, four books of history


From the end of the 9th century, the kingdom of Francia became the scene of disputes between the representatives of the carolingian ruling house and the descendants of Robert, the Strong. The robertians came to power with the coronation of Eudes, in 888, and even when the crown was returned to the carolingians ten years later, they didn't abandon their desire to take the throne for good. Eudes' brother, duke Robert of Neustria, used different strategies in his relentless pursuit of royal dignity. One episode in which the neustrian duke's monarchical desires were manifested most forcefully was the elevation of Hagano, a noble of intermediate origin, to the top of the nobiliary hierarchy, by decision of the monarch Charles, the Straightforward. In this paper we will discuss how Hagano became a possibility for Robert to justify his desired usurpation of the throne. Our analysis is based on the information presented by the monk Richer de Saint Remi in his work Four Books of Histories, written in the last decade of the 10th century.


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Author Biography

Bruno Casseb Pessoti, Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia, Barreiras - Brasil, Brasil

Professor de História Antiga e Medieval da Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia, Doutorando em História pelo PPGH-UFBA.

Contribuição de autoria: autor.



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How to Cite

PESSOTI, B. C. Hagano and the hardships of usurpation: The struggles between Charles the straightforward and Robert of Neustria for the crown of Francia between justifications and intentions. Perspectivas e Diálogos: Revista de História Social e Práticas de Ensino, Caetité, v. 7, n. 13, p. 147–173, 2024. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/nhipe/article/view/20921. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.