Multimodal production in the classroom from enunciation scenes
multimodal discursive genres, scenes of enunciation, text productionAbstract
The approach to enunciation scenes becomes a fruitful field for the development of studies on the production of multimodal discursive genres and their new configurations in social practices in which the subject-student is involved, especially, nowadays, given the emergence of technology and the intense use of the Internet (and the Web) as interactive spaces for discursive practices. In this sense, in this article, we seek to interpret, through the notion of scenes of enunciation (Mainguenneau, 2015), how the student-author constructs meanings about the thematic content he discusses. Epistemologically based on Discourse Analysis, especially on the issue of discursive genres, from the Bakhtinian perspective and expanded to multimodality in the conceptual triad of enunciation scenes: encompassing scene; generic scene and scenography, proposed by Maingueneau (2015); and in Orlandi (1996) regarding the relationship between language and historical society. The research corpus is composed of five multimodal texts produced by a student in Portuguese Language classes in the 9th Year of Elementary School – Final Years. The research had as its locus the Senador Josaphat Marinho school in the district of Santa Maria da Vitória-BA. As a conclusive gesture, we found out that the enunciation scenes also involve the position taking by the student-author and mastering of the textual and discursive mechanisms of the materialities produced at school, constituting a pedagogical strategy for teaching the text production axis, as it provides students with textual production based on their experiences and from the discursive contexts in which they are immersed, that is, based on concrete situations of using different languages.
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