Apotheotic herakles
The entrance of a hero into the dwelling of the gods in greek vases and greek tradition
Herakles, Pottery vases, Introduction to Olympus, Image, Ancient GreeksAbstract
This text presents and discusses the main results obtained from an exercise of iconographic description and analysis of a set of greek pottery vases, mainly Attic, dated between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. This document clipping refers to representations of the greek hero Herakles in iconographic scenes of his introduction to Olympus that enshrines his apotheosis in the world of the immortals. The objective is to reflect on the functions and characteristics of Herakles as a heroic figure that achieves a divine status. The methodology was based on the cataloging, description and iconographic analysis of pottery vases, understood as visual material culture from the perspective of Archeology of Image. The small documentary corpus was assembled based on the website Beazley Archive belonging to the Classical Art Research Center of the Oxford University. The research results indicate a panhellenic identity of the myth of Herakles, since the theme of his immortality is part of the hellenic imaginary through an imagetic materiality that is expressed in pottery vases.
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