Geometry and arithmetic in the conception of greek doric temples
Three established methodological approaches to discuss architectural design in antiquity
Doric architectural design, Greek architects, Design methodology, Doric temples, Geometry and arithmeticAbstract
The goal of this article is, firstly, to present a bibliography that contemplates the state of the art of this discussion - from 1870 to the second decade of the 21st century. Then, to trace the training profile of Greek architects. Experts agree that precision, rules of proportion and “mathematical rigor” are essential parts of the sophisticated training of these professionals. It is evident that Greek architecture reached a high degree of standardization, mainly in the way of building temples. In order to map this profile, we selected ten classic Doric temples and three interpretation methodologies – one geometric, one arithmetic and one arithmetic-geometric. The discussion showed that the three interpretations are plausible, although it is not possible to determine if they were actually used, or even if the design procedures were in some way complementary.
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