Itinerant Laboratory of Mathematics and its Teaching – LIME
Laboratory, Math, ItinerantAbstract
The LIME (a Portuguese abbreviation for Itinerant Laboratory of Mathematics and its Teaching) establishes an itinerant experimental space on mathematics and its teaching in formal and non-formal educational contexts, valuing social and cultural aspects. Considering that historically, a theoretical and empirical framework has been built that supports the use of objects and images as learning facilitators, the need to create laboratories to provide concrete experiences on mathematical knowledge based on teaching materials of different types and make them available even to those who do not usually attend the university. Therefore, the LIME is based on three aspects: knowledge, belief and manipulative creativity, in order to go beyond the walls of the university and reach different audiences, from Basic Education to public squares, Thus, the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB) is demarcated as an important and necessary institution in the production of knowledge that answer the educational demands of our territories.
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