About the Journal

ISSN - 2595-6361

Perspectivas e Diálogos: Revista de História Social e Práticas de Ensino is a biannual online journal associated with the research group Núcleo de História Social e Práticas de Ensino (Nhipe/Cnpq) of the Department of Human Sciences, Campus VI, of the State University of Bahia, located in the city of Caetité, Bahia, and linked to the Postgraduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society (PPGELS) of the Department of Human Sciences, Campus VI, of the State University of Bahia. The aim of the journal is to publish original and unpublished works of scientific relevance in the field of History, with an emphasis on Social History, the History of Education and History Teaching Research and Practices. The journal dialogues with literature, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, archaeology, a variety of image and sound languages (cinema, photography, iconography, music) and with information and communication technologies in research and teaching. The journal has achieved Qualis Periodico B1 in the 2017-2020 quadrennium.

Focus and Scope

The journal publishes unpublished scientific work in Portuguese, Spanish and English, in the form of interviews , articles, dossiers and book reviews, by Brazilian and foreign contributors, within the areas proposed by the journal. It does not charge a fee for processing articles (submission, evaluation and publication) and makes its content available in open access.

Our journal also accepts proposals for dossiers, which can be submitted by authors with the same qualifications as those required to submit articles. They should be sent by e-mail to the editor of the journal and should contain the following information: details of the proposers (full name, title, institution/institutions to which they belong and their professional address, and e-mail); the title of the dossier and an explanatory summary of it; submit at least three collaborators to make up the section, with their respective names, institutional affiliation, title of the text and a brief summary of it; also submit a brief text for a public call inviting other authors to submit texts to make up the suggested dossier. The final composition of the monographic issue will be agreed between the dossier proposers and the journal's editorial team. The proposers will be responsible for the introductory text presenting the dossier.

In terms of qualifications, authors must fall into one of the following categories:

masters and/or doctors; students linked to stricto sensu programs (masters and doctorate); specialists (lato sensu) exclusively in co-authorship with the advisor (master or doctor). In the case of co-authorship, at least one author must have a master's degree and/or doctorate.

The journal does not publish texts by the same author less than a year apart, even in different sections.

ISSN - 2595-6361 Contact: revista.nhipe.uneb@gmail.com

Peer Review Process

The process of evaluating submissions to the Journal comprises:

The first stage of evaluation of the submission is carried out by the editors, who check its suitability for the focus and scope of the Journal and the publication rules (See Guidelines for authors). Once approved at this stage, the submission is forwarded to two referees (double-blind criterion), members of the Editorial Board or researchers from different institutions ( ad hoc referees), observing the consistency between the referee's area of knowledge and the theme of the submission. If there is a difference of opinion between the two reviewers, the editors send the text to a third reviewer for a tie-breaker; two positive reviews are required for the text to be published.

The evaluation of the text follows the double-blind criterion, which guarantees anonymity between reviewer and author. Therefore, authors must remove any explicit reference to their names and their work in the body of their submissions, maintaining absolute confidentiality of authorship, preserving the fairness of the double-blind evaluation process.

The evaluators receive with the text (without identifying the author) an evaluation form with the criteria that must be observed (among them originality, theoretical and methodological consistency, the quality of the knowledge produced, scientific relevance to the area of knowledge, full compliance with the cultured norms of the language and ABNT, the correct structuring of the parts of a scientific text, which is able to present, discuss and conclude the proposed theme.

The submission must be returned by the referee to the journal by the deadline set by the editor, with one of the following options ticked:

( ) accepted without modifications.

( ) Accepted after minor changes.

( ) Re-evaluation of the text, after further modifications suggested by the referee.

( ) rejected

Texts that fall into the “accepted after minor modifications” and “Re-evaluation of the text, after major modifications suggested by the referee” categories will be sent to the authors with the appropriate suggestions for adaptation and a deadline set for their return to the journal, if they accept the indications for changes. Any changes to the text should be highlighted for verification by the editorial team.

After the final proofreading/formatting of the text, it will be sent to the authors for final authorization for publication, and only minor adjustments may be suggested at this stage. The deadline for final return will be set by the editors.

Ad hoc referees will receive credit from the journal by publishing their names in the volume, without, however, linking the referee and the author, guaranteeing anonymity between the two (double-blind criterion).


Perspectivas e Diálogos: Revista de História Social e Práticas de Ensino is a biannual journal with two annual issues (Jan/Jun - Jul/Dec).

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.