The RBEM is a peer-reviewed journal aiming to ensure the highest standards of publication ethics. Therefore, it is essential that all participants in the publication process—Editors, Editorial Board, ad hoc Reviewers, and Authors—agree to uphold ethical behavior standards. Based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the following principles are considered:

Editors and members of the Editorial Board are responsible for:

  • Analyzing submitted articles and approving those within the scope of RBEM for the editorial process, based on the journal’s thematic focus, publication guidelines, and legal aspects concerning defamation, copyright violations, and plagiarism.
  • Instructing Guest Editors, Authors, and Reviewers on the editorial process and peer review, including adherence to RBEM's guidelines, submission, evaluation, and feedback.
  • Ensuring a fair and impartial double-blind peer review process and maintaining the confidentiality of the information.
  • Protecting the identity of the authors and reviewers involved in the review process.
  • Selecting appropriate reviewers and keeping their data up to date.
  • Ensuring that unpublished material from submitted articles is not used by Editors or members of the Editorial Board without the authors' consent.
  • Responding to queries about published articles regarding possible editorial misconduct, following COPE guidelines.
  • Publishing necessary corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies.
  • Ensuring the autonomy of editorial decisions.
  • Protecting the intellectual property and rights of the authors.
  • Maintaining good editorial practices.

Guest Editors are responsible for:

  • Defining the theme and scope of the dossier, as well as the submission timeline and editorial process.
  • Guiding authors regarding the conception and editorial flow of the dossier.
  • Analyzing submitted articles and approving those relevant to the dossier, following the publication guidelines and legal aspects regarding defamation, copyright violations, and plagiarism.
  • Collaborating with the Editors to ensure proper selection of reviewers for the articles.
  • Drafting the dossier's introduction.

Reviewers, whether members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc reviewers, are responsible for:

  • Informing Editors of their availability to review articles.
  • Declining invitations to review when they do not feel qualified, identify elements that may disclose the author’s identity, or in case of a conflict of interest.
  • Treating manuscripts as confidential documents, safeguarding the intellectual property and rights of the authors, and committing not to use privileged information for personal benefit, including in their research and/or publications.
  • Reporting to the Editors any identified copyright violations or plagiarism.
  • Writing reviews based on ethical standards, fairness, reasonableness, and respect for human rights.

Authors are responsible for:

  • Understanding the focus, scope, and guidelines of RBEM, as well as its submission requirements.
  • Drafting the article based on systematic research or study, addressing the data coherently and presenting contributions to the field of Mathematics Education.
  • Ensuring that the submitted article is original. In cases of extended work previously published in conference proceedings, the manuscript must offer a consistent approach and significant analysis.
  • Not submitting the article to another journal simultaneously.
  • Complying with the Ethics Committee guidelines of the institution affiliated with the research presented in the article, especially if it involves human subjects.
  • Ensuring that there are no expressions or insertions that constitute plagiarism and crediting all sources appropriately.
  • Certifying that the article has not been published in another journal. In the case of translated articles, this must be stated on the first page of the manuscript.
  • Limiting authorship to those who have made significant contributions to the conception and development of the article, with a maximum of three authors.
  • Communicating with the Editors and informing them of any necessary corrections to a published article.