Experience report about academic monitoring of the English language subject in a Brazilian university



Academic monitoring, Teach-learning, English language


Academic monitoring carried out in the higher education is a teaching and learning modality that provides an integrated education to the student. The academic monitoring also establishes a mutual cooperation and a relationship between the student-monitor and the teacher-supervisor and promotes the technical and pedagogical experiences. As a monitor, the student learns a lot through the interpersonal knowledge exchange. It is also developed relationship with students, increasing their friendship circle in the academic environment, a factor of utmost importance to the student/monitor’s well-being and progress. Thus, this paper intends to report the monitoring experience in the English language subject, offered in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor degree in Health, at Recôncavo of Bahia Federal Univerisity. It is a qualitative study, in which we used our own memories memories related with the classroom, to our conducts and the ones adopted by the students as well as it was realized a bibliographic survey. Some activities realized, the positive results gotten throughout the practice, as well as the difficulties experienced are part of this report. It is of fundamental importance to reflect on the academic monitoring in higher education, because it influences on students’ personal, academic and professional progress as well as on the development of new perspectives.


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Author Biographies

Flavius Almeida Anjos, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

Licenciado em Letras com Inglês (UEFS). Mestre em Língua e Cultura (UFBA). Doutor em Língua e Cultura (UFBA). Professor de Língua Inglesa da UFRB.

Maria Eduarda Mendes Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

Estudante do Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Saúde da UFRB.


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How to Cite

ANJOS, F. A.; CAVALCANTI, M. E. M. Experience report about academic monitoring of the English language subject in a Brazilian university. Babel: Revista Eletrônica de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, Alagoinhas, BA, v. 10, n. 2, p. 40–51, 2020. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/babel/article/view/9361. Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.

