Pedagogical Residency Program: the bridge that connects theory and practice


  • Islla Bonfim UNEB


Teaching identity; Pedagogical Residency Program; Early Childhood Education.


This work is the result of my experiences as a resident in the Pedagogical Residency Program, of the Pedagogy course, at Escola Municipal Chapeuzinho Vermelho in Senhor do Bonfim - Bahia. Therefore, this main objective is to discuss the process of building my teaching identity as a resident of the Pedagogical Residency Program at an Early Childhood Education School. The project was entitled “The methodology of Pedagogical Projects as a way of starting teaching in Early Childhood Education and Early Years”. The activities were carried out between November 2022 and April 2024, with a workload of 8 hours per week, totaling 450 hours. Regarding the methodology for carrying out the project, it was organized as follows: writing pre-projects, observation, production of teaching resources and applications. The work is theoretically based on: Ghedin (2002), Tardif (2002), Pimenta and Lima (2004), Brasil (1998), Brasil (2009), Brasil (2018), CAPES (2020) among others. The Pedagogical Residency Program allowed me to understand in practice what it means to “be a teacher”. The contact between the resident and the educational environment promoted by the program becomes relevant as it brings the graduate student closer to the reality of the field in which he/she intends to work, leading him/her to reflect on aspects that involve the your future profession.


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How to Cite

Bonfim, I. (2024). Pedagogical Residency Program: the bridge that connects theory and practice. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Núcleo De Pesquisa E Extensão (RevNUPE), 4(2), e202404v2. Retrieved from



DOSSIÊ: Educação, Ciências e Artes Cênicas nos Programa PIBID e Residência Pedagógica