Children's narratives about playing: children's cultures and intra/intergenerational relationships
Children’s narratives, Children’s culture, Playing, Experiential learningAbstract
The focus of this text is to reflect on the experiences of playing, narrated by children aged 4 to 5, experienced in a rural public preschool. The narratives presented were collected through conversation circles and individual narrative dialogues with the children who collaborated in the research. The experiences narrated by the children were analyzed in light of Ricoeur's (2009) comprehensive-interpretive approach, establishing connections with the principles and concepts of the Sociology of Childhood and the (auto)biographical percpective. Given the individual narrative dialogues, it was possible to conclude that school for children represents an important space for them to experience children's cultures, taking into account the inter/intragenerational relationship, established with their peers, through the experience of playing. Considering the children's narratives in this study, training actions emerged, in the dimensions of research, teaching and extension, involving undergraduate and postgraduate students and Early Childhood Education teachers, with a view to validating the experience of playing in the production processes of children's cultures and the constitution of children's experiential learning.
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