Documents to be sent at the time of submission:

  1. Unidentified Manuscript

This document must be sent in “. doc ” or “. docx ”, must be formatted in accordance with the submission rules and the journal template.

It must not contain any mention of the authors' names, nor the Institution to which they belong. Any type of information that identifies the authors must be replaced by: “[deleted for peer review purposes]”.

  1. Title Page

This document must be sent in “. doc ” or “. docx ”. All fields must be filled.

  1. Declaration of Originality

This document must be sent in PDF format. It is not an individual document, therefore, regardless of the number of authors, only one file must be sent. All fields must be filled in and the document must be signed by all authors. For Brazilian authors, we recommend using the signature validated by

Documents to be sent upon receipt of the acceptance letter (after approval by evaluators):

  1. Voice and Image Use Authorization Term

This document must be sent in .pdf. It is an individual document, therefore, if the article has more than one author, a quantity corresponding to the number of authors must be sent, all with their respective personal data and duly signed.

  1. Video for publicity

It must be sent via a link that directs to the Google Drive platform, providing publisher permission and permission to download. The video must be recorded horizontally and be between 2 and 10 minutes long, not shorter or longer than this time.

Note: The content of the video must be exclusively about the content of the article.

  1. Accepted manuscript (revised)

This document must be sent in “. doc ” or “. docx ”. It is the last version sent by the authors, after consideration by the evaluators. Changes must be highlighted in red.

  1. Letter of changes

In this document, the authors must indicate how they proceeded to incorporate each of the evaluators' considerations; or justify non-adequacy.

Submission rules

The journal's editorial team prepared the Submission Checklist, a document that contains the step-by-step instructions for submitting a manuscript to the journal. We suggest that authors download and print it before continuing to read this section, as it is a tool to be used during the submission process. Below, we describe this process and present the guidelines for preparing a manuscript.

Authors must make sure that their profile on the ORCID platform is updated to submit to our journal. Afterwards, they must register a login and password on the journal's website. In the Online Registration and Submissions section, authors must correctly fill out their profile and select the “AUTHOR” option. At this time, if there is interest in joining our pool of evaluators, authors can also select the “EVALUATOR” option.

Then select the submission language, that is, the language in which the manuscript to be submitted is in. Subsequently, select the section to which you wish to submit it; Check the sequence requirements by checking the check boxes that will appear with instructions and reminders. Write a comment for the editor, if deemed necessary. Then, select the “Author” option and accept the copyright declaration, if it complies with the guidelines.

The author(s) must then add the files to be sent, making sure that the manuscript has followed the following instructions:



It must be present in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Name of author(s)

It must appear as the author(s) wish it to be published.

Institutional affiliation

Institution (Acronym), City – State (Acronym) – Country. Summary about the author (POSITION AND DEPARTMENT). ORCID URL. Email.


O texto do resumo deve estar formatado da seguinte forma: (I) Fonte Times New Roman; (II) Tamanho 12pts; (III) Alinhamento justificado; (IV) Espaçamento entre linhas simples e sem recuos; (V) Até 150 palavras.


Use até 05 (cinco) palavras-chave, separando-as por ponto. Devem ser padronizadas de acordo com os tesauros: Thesaurus Brasileiro de Educação, no Thesaurus de Educação da Unesco (IBE Education Thesaurus) ou Thesaurus Europeu dos Sistemas Educativos.


El texto del resumen debe tener el siguiente formato: (Y) Fuente Times New Roman; (II) Tamaño 12pts; (III) Alineación justificada; (IV) Interlineado simple sin sangría; (V) Hasta 150 palabras.


Utilice hasta 05 (cinco) palabras clave, separándolas con punto final.


The text of the abstract must be structured as follows: (I) Times New Roman font; (II) Size 12pts; (III) Justified alignment; (IV) Simple spacing between lines; (V) Maximum of 150 words.


Use up to 05 (five) keywords, separating them with a dot.


All paragraphs must contain a special indentation of 1.25cm on the first line. The text must be formatted with 1.5 spacing, no spacing after the paragraph, Times New Roman font and justified alignment.


Follow ABNT standards – NBR 10520/2023 and NBR 6023/2018).

- Direct quotation with up to 3 lines must be located within the paragraph accompanied by the author's surname, year and page.

- Direct quotations with more than 3 lines must be located outside the paragraph, with a 4 cm indent to the left, single spacing, size 11 and accompanied by the author's surname, year and page.


Figures must be listed in order of appearance in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.). They must be formatted as follows: bold numbering, size 12 and single spacing; figure title in size 12 and single spaced; and font size 11 and single spacing. The figure and title must be centered and the font must be aligned to the left.


Tables must be listed in order of appearance in the text (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.). Tables must be formatted as follows: internal text font size 10; title in bold, size 12, single and centered spacing; font size 11, single spaced and aligned to the left; single spacing between lines; open side edges; Window AutoFit.


Tables must be listed in order of appearance in the text (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.). Tables must be formatted as follows: internal text font size 10; title in bold, size 12, single and centered spacing; font size 11, single spaced and aligned to the left; single spacing between lines; Window AutoFit.


Follow ABNT standards – NBR 10520/2023 and NBR 6023/2018;

References must be presented using Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing and left alignment.

The documents to be attached are:

1) Unidentified manuscript;

2) Cover Page;

3) Declaration of Authorship and Originality;

Once the files have been sent, the next step is to insert the metadata of the article and authors, registering the title and subtitle of the article, as well as its summary in the three languages; data on the author(s), including summary biography and links to lattes and ORCID; registration of keywords also in the three languages and inclusion of bibliographic references. After checking all completed content, the author(s) must confirm the process by clicking “Finalize Submission”.

Note: The following precautions must be taken by authors when submitting a manuscript:

- In Microsoft Office documents, remove the author identification from the Document Properties (in the File > Properties menu), starting from File, in the main menu, and clicking in the sequence: File > Save as... > Tools (or Options, on Mac) > Security Options... > Remove personal information from file on save > OK > Save.

- In PDFs, also remove the authors' name from the Document Properties, under File, in the Adobe Acrobat main menu.

- All information that identifies the author of the work must be excluded from the text. The name of the authors must be replaced by “AUTHOR”. If there are self-citations, replace with “(Author, YEAR)” and in references include: “Author. Year.". Information such as: names of research groups and names of institutions must also be removed. Replace this information with the expression: “[deleted for peer review purposes]”.

Manuscript versions

  • Author's original manuscript: any version prior to submission.
  • Manuscript submitted by the author: version submitted to be considered for publication. This document must be unidentified as it will be sent for peer review.
  • Resubmitted manuscript: manuscript revised by the authors after peer review and sent again for evaluation.
  • Accepted manuscript: version accepted for publication to be sent for text editing. It is already a revised version by the authors. Information that was deleted for peer review purposes must be reinserted in this version.
  • Proof: version of the manuscript that has undergone text editing (review, translation, formatting and standardization) and is made available to authors for verification and approval for publication.
  • Published manuscript: published version of the manuscript on the journal's website.

The versions “manuscript submitted by the author”, “ resubmitted manuscript ”, “accepted manuscript” and “proof” are confidential and, under no circumstances, may they be shared with third parties. These versions should only remain accessible to those directly involved in the editorial flow: editors, authors and, when necessary, evaluators.

ABNT standard


All paragraphs must contain a special indentation of 1.25cm on the first line. The text must be formatted with 1.5 spacing, no spacing after the paragraph, Times New Roman font and justified alignment.


Follow ABNT standards – NBR 10520 and NBR 6023.

- Direct quotation with up to 3 lines must be located within the paragraph accompanied by the author's surname, year and page. Example: Second Surname (YEAR, p. 00-00) “[...] x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ”.

- Direct quotations with more than 3 lines must be located outside the paragraph, with a 4cm indent to the left, single spacing, size 11 and accompanied by the author's surname, year and page. Example:

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (SURNAME, YEAR, p. 00-00).


Figures must be listed in order of appearance in the text (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.). They must be formatted as follows: bold numbering, size 12 and single spacing; figure title in size 12 and single spaced; and font size 11 and single spacing. The figure and title must be centered and the font must be aligned to the left.



Tables must be listed in order of appearance in the text (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.). Tables must be formatted as follows: internal text font size 10; title in bold, size 12, single and centered spacing; font size 11, single spaced and aligned to the left; single spacing between lines; open side edges; Window AutoFit.




Tables must be listed in order of appearance in the text (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.). Tables must be formatted as follows: internal text font size 10; title in bold, size 12, single and centered spacing; font size 11, single spaced and aligned to the left; single spacing between lines; Window AutoFit.


(Follow ABNT standards – NBR 10520 and NBR 6023)

References must be presented using Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing and left alignment.

Example of references


BRAZÃO, J. P. G.; DIAS, A. F. Diversidade sexual e de gênero na academia. Bauru, SP: Editora Ibero-Americana de Educação, 2022.


CASAGRANDE, E. E.; BUENO, G. W.; SANTOS, D. F. L.; MACHADO, L. (org.). Empreendedorismo na prática: Conexões entre ciência, mercado e sociedade. Bauru, SP: Editora Ibero-Americana de Educação, 2022. E-book.

Book chapter

SANTOS CRUZ, J. A.; BIZELLI, T. V.; BIZELLI, J. L. Gestão educativa e tecnologias digitais. In: BIZELLI, J. L.; BIZELLI, T. V.; SANTOS CRUZ, J. A. (org.). Educação Escolar em Ibero-América: 15 anos de trajetória. Bauru, SP: Editora Ibero-Americana de Educação, 2021.

Journal article

 MENEZES-RODRIGUES, F. S.; ERRANTE, P. R.; LIMA, R. Y.; DO CARMO, A. de O.; SILVA, E. F.; GEHRKE, F.; CARVALHO, D. S.; TIKAZAWA, E. H.; FERRAZ, R. R. N.; CARICATI-NETO, A.; TAHA, M. O. Vantagens da utilização do método de aprendizagem baseada em problemas (mapb) em cursos de graduação na área da saúde. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, Araraquara, v. 14, n. 2, p. 340–353, 2019. DOI: 10.21723/riaee.v14i2.11660. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 202A3.


CRUZ, J. A. S.; BIZELLI, J. L.; VARGAS, T. C.; SILVA, C. B. Inovação e conhecimento na educação: formando atores para o século XXI. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS DA COMUNICAÇÃO, 42., 2019. Anais [...]. São Paulo: Intercom, 2019. p. 1-12.

Thesis, Dissertation and Monograph

BRASIL. [Constituição (1988)]. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Brasília, DF: Presidência da República, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jan. 2022.

BRASIL. Lei n. 10.406, de 10 de janeiro de 2002. Institui o Código Civil. Diário Oficial da União: seção 1, Brasília, DF, ano 139, n. 8, p. 1-74, 11 jan. 2002. PL 634/1975.

BRASIL. Supremo Tribunal Federal (2. Turma). Recurso Extraordinário 313060/SP. Leis 10.927/91 e 11.262 do município de São Paulo. Seguro obrigatório contra furto e roubo de automóveis. Shopping centers, lojas de departamento, supermercados e empresas com estacionamento para mais de cinqüenta veículos. Inconstitucionalidade. Recorrente: Banco do Estado de São Paulo S/A – BANESPA. Recorrido: Município de São Paulo. Relatora: Min. Ellen Gracie, 29 de novembro de 2005. Lex: jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, São Paulo, v. 28, n. 327, p. 226-230, 2006.



Review and research articles

Original review articles (critical and systematized evaluations of the literature on specific topics) and research articles (manuscripts of unpublished research, organized with the aim of scientific dissemination and described in a way that allows the research to be replicated/reproduced) are accepted. In their minimum structure, they must present an introduction, materials and methods/methodology, results, discussion and final considerations/conclusion. This section only accepts articles from professors and researchers with a minimum PhD degree or postgraduate students with their respective advisors - maximum three authors.

Theoretical articles

Manuscripts that defend an argument, idea or hypothesis based on a solid theoretical and/or empirical basis, but that do not present original research data. The recommended structure is an introduction, with a presentation of the thesis to be defended and a presentation of the topics to be covered; development, divided according to the nature of the arguments and exposition necessary to build the foundations that support the work; and final considerations, consolidating the defense of the thesis in light of the support presented.

This section accepts articles by professors and researchers with Master's and/or Doctoral degrees.

Research Reports

Manuscripts produced with the aim of disseminating reflections and/or research results, whether experimental or documentary. Accepts more than three authors, accompanied by supervisors, and may include undergraduate students. Prioritize collaborations between research groups or large publications from a single research group.

This section accepts articles from undergraduates and PhD advisors.

Experience Reports

Manuscripts that present analysis and discussion of original observations, must minimally present in their structure: introduction, state of the art, report of experience and discussion.

This section accepts articles from undergraduates and advisors with Doctoral degrees.



Informative and analytical manuscripts based on previously published works, created with the aim of disseminating and critically analyzing them, with justification for their production being mandatory. We suggest that manuscripts submitted to this section present in their structure the complete bibliographic reference, as well as the credentials of the author of the reviewed work. Furthermore, it is recommended that the work presents the author's frame of reference and information within the work's domain of appreciation, describing the judgment, form, style and merit parameters of the text.

This section accepts articles by professors and researchers with Master's and/or Doctoral degrees.



Manuscripts organized with the aim of publishing interviews – whether in full or systematized – with relevance to the area of Education. These manuscripts must contain the interviewee's presentation, direct or indirect transcription of the interview, discussion and final considerations. It should be noted that the agent interviewed cannot be considered one of the authors of the manuscript.

This section accepts articles by professors and researchers with Doctoral degrees.




Presentation section.




Texts dedicated to defending the point of view of researchers with doctoral degrees. The theoretical construction of this text is based mainly on the author's opinion. The recommended structure is an introduction, presenting the thesis and the issue to be debated; development, presenting arguments of an opinionated nature and the literature; and conclusion.


Communications section


This section brings together texts that are the result of analyses and discussions on a relevant topic - with a broad target audience, carried out by a consolidated researcher or group of researchers and which bring generalizable results to the field of Education and related areas.


Fonte: Editora Ibero-Americana (2024).