Production of discourses and dispute for legitimacy between factional movements in the reign of Juan II of Castile
kingdom of Castile, monarchy, aristocracyAbstract
This article derives from doctoral research completed in 2023, and aims to present an analysis of the discourses constructed by and about the Castilian aristocracy in the 15th century, based on chronicles produced during the reign of Juan II, or shortly after its end. . The aim will be to demonstrate how certain rhetorical elements are constantly mobilized in order to justify the actions of the aristocracy in conflict, or to damage the image of their opponents, articulating notions of service to the king and the kingdom, freedom and imprisonment of the king, tyranny and the common good. It is proposed that this should be understood considering the organization of the aristocracy into factions, formed through various alliances and pacts between individuals and families with common interests, which aimed at the accumulation of seigneurial wealth and the expansion of their influence over the monarchy. From this, we have a scenario of constant conflicts and tensions in the Castilian kingdom of the 15th century, involving articulations between the high aristocracy, the councils and the king himself. In this sense, in the various situations involving disputes, discourses and justifications were also articulated for the movements carried out by each faction, which, as it is intended to be argued, comprised the strategy of the aristocratic groups, and sought to grant or withdraw legitimacy before the kingdom.
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