Challenging norms: dionysian representations and gender asymmetries in 5th and 4th century Bce Greece
“performative act”, gender, Dionysus, satyrs, maenadsAbstract
This article aims to explore Dionysian representations in Greek iconographies, especially Athenian, from the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. The goal is to highlight within an imagistic corpus the gender asymmetries based on the theory of "performative acts" by the American philosopher Judith Butler, who posits that gender is a social construct continually produced and reproduced through performances. In the iconographic analysis, it is possible to observe some gender nuances such as female masculinity, the cross-dressing of some characters, and the exacerbation of masculinity. From the analysis of the sources, it is possible to perceive a subversion of gender norms, suggesting that gender identity is not an innate essence but a result of cultural norms and discourses constantly reiterated by "performative acts". In conclusion, by integrating archaeological artifacts into the historical narrative, we enrich our understanding of the past and democratize history, giving voice to those not recorded in written sources. The representations of maenads and satyrs, when analyzed through the lens of Butler's gender performativity, offer a critical perspective on gender norms and social tensions in Ancient Greece.
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