Oriented and Reconstructed Practices: the reflexive formation in distance learning pedagogy courses

a formação reflexiva nos cursos de pedagogia EaD





Distance Education. Reflexive Teacher. Advised and Reconstructed Practices.


This article aims to understand how the training of the reflexive teacher has occurred from the problematization of teaching practices that were advised at the courses XXX1 and of the YYY1 and then, reconstructed in teaching practice spaces. The research was developed from the selection of the subjects covered in the academic publications about the courses. To this end, we used the framework that addresses the formation of the reflexive teacher by reading the Pedagogical Course Projects (PPC) and the data obtained in publications about the courses in magazines, annals, book chapters and dissertations. Content analysis was carried out with the support of the Nvivo software, to organize the data related to the category “oriented and reconstructed practices”, one of the topics addressed in the publications. The publications highlight that the student-teachers of the courses incorporated into their teaching activities at school, some actions undertaken during training, especially those related to the understanding and incorporation of both digital technologies and research as a methodological strategy for the organization of knowledge.



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Author Biographies

Analisa Zorzi, Federal University of Pelotas

She holds a Bachelor's and Degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, a Master's in Sociology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Professor at the Teaching Department of the Faculty of Education (FaE) at the Federal University of Pelotas. She has experience in the area of ​​Education and Sociology, working mainly on the following topics: intellectual autonomy, distance education, teaching practice and curricular internships. She is currently Head of the Nucleus of Degrees and Internship at UFPel, Coordinator of the Commission of Degrees and the Forum for Integration between Higher Education and Basic Education. She is a member of the Center for Studies in Education in Digital Culture NEED-UFRGS and of the Group for Research and Teaching of Sociology at Basic School - GPESEB - UFPel.

Rosane Aragón, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

PhD in Informatics in Education (2001), Master's in Education (1988) and graduation in Psychology (1983) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Postdoctoral fellow at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Full Professor at the Faculty of Education at UFRGS and professor at the Graduate Program in Education (PPGEDU/UFRGS) and at the Graduate Program in Informatics in Education, advising master's and doctoral students. Leader of the Nucleus of Studies in Education in Digital Culture (NEED). Coordinator of the 1st Edition of the Graduation Course in Pedagogy - Degree in the distance modality (PEAD/FACED/UFRGS). Adjunct Coordinator of the UFRGS Professors Center (FORPROF/UFRGS). Develops research in the area of ​​Education, with emphasis on Learning in Environments Digital, working mainly on the following topics: distance education, teacher training, pedagogical architectures, cognitive ecosystems, information technology in education, learning and learning projects.

Gerson Luiz Millan, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS (1994 -1998), Specialization in Informatics in Education from the Interdisciplinary Center for New Technologies in Education - CINTED/UFRGS (2005 - 2007), Specialization in Tutoring in Distance Education from UFRGS (2009-2010), Master's Degree in Education by the Graduate Program in Education - PPGEDU/UFRGS (2013 -2016). PhD student in Education at PPGEDU/UFRGS (2018 - ). He is a Technical-Administrative Server at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, working at the Faculty of Education at the Academic Support Center (NAC/FACED/UFRGS). He was an Alternate Institutional Representative of the Distance Higher Education Network in Rio Grande do Sul (REGESD). He was an evaluator for the Department of Regulation and Supervision in Distance Education (MEC/CAPES). He was a member of the Board of the Polo UAB in Novo Hamburgo/RS. He was Distance Tutor of the Distance Pedagogy Course-PEAD/FACED/UFRGS- (2006 - 2011/2). He was Coordinator of the Continuing Education Program (PEC/FACED/UFRGS) (2002/2 to 2007/2). He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with emphasis on Informatics in Education and Distance Learning (EAD). He was president of the Gaúcha Association of Adventist University Students (AGUA/RS).


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How to Cite

ZORZI, A.; ARAGÓN, R.; MILLAN, G. L. Oriented and Reconstructed Practices: the reflexive formation in distance learning pedagogy courses: a formação reflexiva nos cursos de pedagogia EaD. Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade, [S. l.], v. 33, n. 74, p. 170–185, 2024. DOI: 10.21879/faeeba2358-0194.2024.v33.n74.p170-185. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/faeeba/article/view/16632. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.