The relation between teacher training and digital technologies
a study in Portuguese Secondary Education
Teacher Training, Secondary Education, Portugal, Digital TechnologiesAbstract
Digital competences are fundamental for full citizenship and school is the place where these competences can be developed. To this end, it is necessary that teachers have adequate training to be able to pedagogically integrate technology into their practices. The quantitative study presented here, focuses on cross-referencing the results of the self-assessment questionnaire on teachers' digital competences - DigCompEdu CheckIn - applied to 219 Portuguese teachers, who responded to a second questionnaire on their initial training in the use of technology. The results show the almost non-existence of preparation for the integration of technology in school and that it is the interest for more training that has empowered teachers to what is still an average level of digital competence -B1, Integrator- which characterises teachers as having some experience but needing more training to feel more able to integrate technology into innovative teaching practices.
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