Agroecologia nas escolas do campo

um processo em construção




Educação do Campo; Agronegócio; Agroecologia; Territórios.


This work aims to promote the theoretical and practical exercise of the approximation between Countryside Education and Agroecology, in the dialogue with experiences carried out in territories, as a result of the professional and militant experience of the authors, and with the agenda of popular movements in the field, agroecology networks, researchers, that seek in the relationships that constitute Countryside Education and Agroecology, in the context of the agrarian issue, in the criticism of agribusiness and its violations on human life and nature, the construction of a project for the countryside based on Agroecology, considering the formation of the transforming subjects of this social and ecological reality. The experiences demonstrate the possibilities of the connections between these areas, the result of a praxis, of struggle, of knowledge integrated in the dialogue of knowledge in territories of the peoples of the countryside.


Keywords:  Countryside Education, Agribusiness, Agroecology, Territories


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Author Biographies

Nivia Regina da Silva, Movimento Sem Terra- Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes

Mestre em Agroessistema, membro do eixo de agroecologia da Editora Expressão Popular, Coletivo de Relações Internacionais do Movimento Sem Terra.












Gilvania de Oliveira Silva de Vasconcelos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernanbuco

Doutora em Educação, professora adjunta do departamento de Educação, nucleo de Agroecologia e campesinato-UFRPE.



How to Cite

SILVA, N. R. da; VASCONCELOS, G. de O. S. de. Agroecologia nas escolas do campo: um processo em construção. Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 61, p. 219–232, 2021. DOI: 10.21879/faeeba2358-0194.2021.v30.n61.p219-232. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.