Initiation to Teaching: experiences with games


  • Pedro Augusto Lopes Rosa Escola de Aplicação da UFPA
  • Chirlene Paulo Roldão Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Flaviana da Costa Maués Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Patrícia Oliveira Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Valéria Risuenho Marques Universidade Federal do Pará


games, playfulness, mathematics, family


This text aims to report activities carried out on "Family Day". A program organized by the School of Application of the Federal University of Pará, whose objective is to bring families and schools closer together. This experience occurred as one of the activities of the subproject Literacy in language and mathematics: formative experiences in the Early Years of Elementary School, which makes up the Pedagogical Residency Program. To this end, a set of workshops was organized with three mathematical games to work, in a playful way, with parents, guardians and children, moments of learning objects of mathematical knowledge. Therefore, this text describes how the activity was carried out, taking as reference the records made in the logbook and images. Methodologically, the report is supported by a descriptive approach. From experience, it is possible to affirm that the family's involvement in recreational activities allows dialogues, interactions and approaches, which can bring these family members closer together and bring them into the school and, therefore, involve them in their children's learning.



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How to Cite

Augusto Lopes Rosa, P., Paulo Roldão, C., da Costa Maués, F., Oliveira Rodrigues, P., & Risuenho Marques, V. (2023). Initiation to Teaching: experiences with games . Encontro De Ludicidade E Educação Matemática, 4(01). Retrieved from