“Strategy for the artistic formation process in students of the Preschool Education career at the University of Pinar del Río ¨Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca¨”





art, formation, competencies, preschool education, process


Artistic formation is an essential component in the integral development of preschool children, as it promotes the development of creativity, expression, sensitivity, and communication. The article aims to socialize a theoretical systematization about the main theoretical references of the artistic formation process in students of the preschool education career. The main methods were dialectical-materialist as general that allows the materialization of the unity of theory and practice, based on a systemic and generalizing approach, together with theoretical methods such as historical-logical analysis and its procedures, analysis and synthesis, and induction and deduction, to reach conclusions and make generalizations. The results focused on the theoretical systematization of artistic formation in students of the preschool education career, in national and international contexts. As conclusions, the importance of artistic formation as a quality factor in preschool education is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Yaquelin Valdés Torrens, Licenciada en Educación

Licenciada en Educación

C Judit Rovira, Universidad de Pinar del Río. Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Pinar del Río. Cuba


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How to Cite

VALDÉS TORRENS, Y.; ROVIRA, C. J. “Strategy for the artistic formation process in students of the Preschool Education career at the University of Pinar del Río ¨Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca¨”. Diálogos e Perspectivas Interventivas, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. e19661, 2024. DOI: 10.52579/diapi.vol5.i1.a19661. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/dialogos/article/view/19661. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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