alcohol, adolescent, school, healthAbstract
Alcohol consumption has become increasingly precocious among adolescents. Given this reality, the Ministry of Health (MS), together with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), launched the National School Health Survey (PeNSE) in order to collect information on risk factors for the health of students aged 13 to 17 years to strengthen the decision-making process on actions to prevent and confront risk factors for health such as alcohol use. The objective is to analyze the results regarding alcohol use by schoolchildren (13 to 17 years old) from the National School Health Survey in the Federal District in 2019. It is a descriptive analysis of the results presented by PeNSE 2019 referring to alcohol use by students aged 13 to 17 years in the Federal District in 2019 compared with the literature on the subject. Alcohol consumption is higher by female schoolchildren (66.50%), in public schools (69.70%). In general, the prevalence of alcohol consumption in the age group 13 to 17 years showed high percentages in the Federal District. The study reached the proposed objective, but we understand the complexity of the theme on the behavior of adolescents regarding alcohol consumption, thus it is essential to understand the risk factors that lead to early consumption and determine coping strategies for its use by students.
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