History Teaching, Teacher Formation, Sensibility, ExperienceAbstract
This article has the objective of presenting a work developed with students from the component History Teaching, from August to November, in the Pedagogy Degree at Universidade Estadual da Paraíba – UEPB [Paraíba’s State University], in the 2020.1 semester. At the occasion, we have thought about the possibilities and challenges of approaching subjects and didactic procedures for this component, specifically in remote classes. At the first, we have thought in actioning the sensibility in History classes, what we have passed, what affects us, touches us, forms us from what we feel. For this, we have based on the contributions of Soares Júnior, (2019) and Albuquerque Júnior (s/d), with the goal of reflecting on History classes untied from the moorings of positivist traditional teaching. Methodologically, we have used the lived experiences, presented and related by the students of referred component. We have concluded that we need to think of History teaching for children from conceptions that mobilize the sensibility, the seeing, listening, imagining, creating, and feeling, considering the formation of citizens committed to reality, identity, respect, and otherness.
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