Os Apurinã, Tenetehara, Kambeba, Huni Kuĩ, Maraguá, Ticuna e Krenak gritam: cuidado, o Curupira vai te pegar!





Curupiras will catch you in this text that seeks to disclose these multiple possibilities of narrating and existing. It is an analysis that aims to contribute to decolonizing literature studies and deconstructing stereotypes attributed to indigenous enchanted beings. There is an ecological focus, based on the ideas of Krenak (2019), in the direction of highlighting the regulatory power of the Curupira as a protector of the forest and life. He would invent denominations, capacities of action, of interpretation and of comparison between works of indigenous authorship Apurinã, Tenentehara, Kambeba, Huni Kuĩ, Maraguá and Ticuna. These versions were heard by the authors, by fellow researchers, known through interviews or books published by indigenous authors. The texts by non-indigenous authors mentioned appear only as a counterpoint, in the direction of highlighting some of the different forms of appropriation and transformation of these literatures.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Rogério dos Santos, UFAC

Master's student in Performing Arts (PPGA-UFAC); Specialization in Art Education (UNIASSELVI-SC); Degree in Art Education with Qualification in Performing Arts Faculty of Arts of Paraná-FAP; Graduation in Art Education from the Faculty of Arts of Paraná. Lato Sensu Post-Graduation by the Leonardo Da Vinci-UNIASSELVI University Center in Art Education. Professor by the State Department of Education and Quality of Teaching of Amazonas. SEDUC-AM. Has experience in the field of Arts, with emphasis on Theater. He has worked as an actor since 1988; Production director; extra; Stagehand; Light Operator; Cenotechnic.

Ananda Machado, PPGL- UFRR

Doctor in Social History from UFRJ, Master in Social Memory from Unirio, specialist in Indigenous Education from UFF. Professor of the Indigenous Territorial Management course at the Insikiran-UFRR Institute, with an emphasis on Indigenous Heritage. Coordinator of the Program for the Valorization of Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Roraima (Prae/Prppg-UFRR). Degree in Performing Arts from Uni Rio. With interdisciplinary training, research and publications, in the areas of oral history, indigenous biographies, memory and heritage, anthropology, letters (oral narratives and indigenous languages), Linguistics (lexicology and sociolinguistics).

Valtenir Soares de Abreu, UFRR

PhD in Applied Linguistics by the Interdisciplinary Program of Applied Linguistics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, 2021). He holds a master's degree in Letters (Literature, Arts and Regional Culture) from the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR / 2014). Specialization in Informatics in Education by the Brazilian Institute of Graduate Studies and Extension (IBPEX/2010). Degree in Pedagogy from the State University of Roraima (UERR/2007). He worked as an effective teacher in the municipality of Boa Vista from 2007 to 2017, teaching in the early grades of Elementary School, in addition to developing activities in the areas of Educational Informatics and Music Education. He also worked as a teacher in the private school system, teaching the subjects of Religious Education, Computer Science and Entrepreneurship and Ethics. He also worked in the area of ​​Socio-education, as an effective servant of the State Secretariat for Labor and Social Welfare of the State Government of Roraima, developing the monitoring of adolescents in compliance with socio-educational measures. As a professor of Higher Education, he also worked in the private network of Boa Vista, in a course of Pedagogy, Information Technology and Social Work, teaching subjects such as Research Methodology, Didactics, Public Policies of Social Work, among others. Currently, he is an effective servant at the Federal University of Roraima, in the position of Technician in Educational Affairs, having been Coordinator of the Accessibility Center and Director of Academic Affairs of the Dean of Education and Graduation; he was Assistant Coordinator of the Border Intercultural Schools Program, in addition to organizing, coordinating and speaking at events in the areas of Inclusive Education, Libras Courses and Photography Course for the Deaf. As a doctoral student, she organized, in partnership with her supervisor, Professor Luciana Marino do Nascimento, four books that bring together productions by undergraduate, master's, doctoral students and professors from several Brazilian and international universities, being a member of the editorial board of some of these works. . He integrates, as a researcher and/or technician, the following research groups: Languages ​​and Discourses of History (FBN), History, Memories and Migrations: urban dynamics of Boa Vista/RR since 1943 (UFRR) and Studies of Literatures and Identities (UFRR). His doctoral thesis deals with the critical analysis of a travel report to Brazilian Guyana, whose main character is the American explorer Hamilton Rice. The analytical bias is located in the epistemological fields of Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis and Literary Criticism.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, A. R. dos .; MACHADO, A.; ABREU, V. S. de . Os Apurinã, Tenetehara, Kambeba, Huni Kuĩ, Maraguá, Ticuna e Krenak gritam: cuidado, o Curupira vai te pegar! . Tabuleiro de Letras, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 1, p. 9–22, 2022. DOI: 10.35499/tl.v16i1.14040. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/tabuleirodeletras/article/view/14040. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

