PIBID THEATER: the training process of teaching through the show “Mariinha Rodrigues: a fearless woman and her legacy”

the training process of teaching through the show “Mariinha Rodrigues: a fearless woman and her legacy”



Theater Education Degree; Tijuaçu; Creative Process.


This article deals with the experience of PIBID – Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program carried out in partnership with the Degree Course in Theater (Theater Degree Course ao invés de Degree Course in Theater) at UNEB - Campus VII and developed in three different schools in the city of Senhor do Bonfim-Ba. The aforementioned experience took place at the 1st Grade School in the district of Tijuaçu, located in the city of Sr. do Bonfim-Ba. The work provides an overview of the staging of the show “Mariinha Rodrigues: a fearless woman and her legacy.”, bringing to the center of the discussion the ethnic-racial issues, cultural and territorial belonging, in addition to the dialogue held about the core of the issue (the core issue) of this project, namely: methodological strategies for the construction of a sensitive education, (naõ tem esse virgula) through theater and  the circus and  (retirar o and depois do circus)  centered on an Afro-referenced epistemology.We evaluate the outcome of the performance and the entire process as a valuable learning experience, considering all the challenges faced, as well as all the participation, mobilization, and coordination efforts made throughout the creative process. The experience with PIBID Theater 2023 was a fruitful journey of exchanges, knowledge-building, and emotional connections. The article is anchored in the epistemes of thinkers such as: Ribeiro (2018, 2021); Freire (1996); Soares (2020); Barbosa (2005); Boal (2007, 2009), Spolin (2001) e Miranda (2009).


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Author Biographies

Lavínia Fabiana Santos Silva, UNEB

Graduanda do Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, DEDC VII, Brasil

Elisângela Gonçalves, UNEB

Graduanda do Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, DEDC VII, Brasil

Valtenir Ferreia da Silva Filho , UNEB

Graduando do Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, DEDC VII, Brasil

Vinicius Alves da Costa, UNEB

Graduando do Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, DEDC VII, Brasil


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How to Cite

Assis Soares, T., Santos Silva, L. F., Gonçalves, E., Ferreia da Silva Filho , V., & Alves da Costa, V. (2024). PIBID THEATER: the training process of teaching through the show “Mariinha Rodrigues: a fearless woman and her legacy” : the training process of teaching through the show “Mariinha Rodrigues: a fearless woman and her legacy” . Revista Multidisciplinar Do Núcleo De Pesquisa E Extensão (RevNUPE), 4(2), e202401v2. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/revnupe/article/view/22299



DOSSIÊ: Educação, Ciências e Artes Cênicas nos Programa PIBID e Residência Pedagógica