Who tells (reads) a story, increases one point: (shared) reading-training experience
Training narrative, Dialogical meetings, Ways of readingAbstract
This text is configured as a training narrative composed of a narrative of the experience involving dialogues in face-to-face meetings, between two university professors, for three years. The theme is reading based on questions about why students read little, readings that involve them, supports that guide them. The dialogues included literary texts, theoretical reflections, etc. Theoretical-methodological contributions considered questions about experience (Larrosa, 1996), dialogue (Bakhtin, 2003), which impact human formation (Rose, 2001). The discussions were guided by remembered readings, brought up in the fortnightly meetings and in the interstices between them. In the wake of the training and concerns mentioned with the students, questions about the changes made such as material, technological support, etc., a University Extension Project was created organized by the invitation to shared reading, in non-“conventional” places (kiosk near the canteen of the university, public space, social institutions (nursing home, schools, etc.). The material to be read: short stories. The choice of stories was taken care of due to the diversity of possible audiences. of the devil” as an example (Assis, 1989), we learn ways of perceiving ways of reading that transgress boundaries between reading words and readings of oneself.
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