(Auto)biographies of a polyvalent teacher: narratives of life, work and education
Narrative. (Auto)biography. Teacher training. Early Childhood Education. Elementary School.Abstract
This work aims to investigate how the trajectory of academic and professional life constitutes the gaze of a teacher. It has as corpus of analysis an (auto)biographical report of a teacher graduated in Pedagogy from the following question: today, with all the knowledge through studies and the experience lived as a student and as a teacher, what would you apply to your students and how would you advise them to do differently based on your experiences and knowledge? In the analysis, we paid attention to the search for evidence of the fragments reported in accordance with the objective and the guiding question. The question raised and the proposed objective allow us to infer that (trans)forming education is not the education that is based on the success or failure of the students, but on the educational process that is in progress: the one that involves the contradictions of knowing or not knowing, doing, and learning.
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