Ressignificando memórias: quando a (auto)biografia anuncia a luta pela vida
Histórias de vida, Memória, LiberdadeAbstract
What can be learnt and experienced from the resignification of memories by those who had their lives directly and indirectly affected by the prison system? This is the question that drives this article whose objective is: to discuss about the (auto)biography, experiences lived from the resignification of memories by those who have their life directly and indirectly affected by the prison system, a place in which one of my brothers passed through and died at the end of the 1990s. In this context, we consider that the short trajectory of someone (my brother) is merged with my memories and, in this way, the I and the We are merged in my (auto)biography. In order to make the investigation viable and in order to answer the proposed question, we will make use of bibliographic sources, for example, on Foucault (2004; 2014); Davis (2020); Bauman (2021) and Passeggi, Abrahão and Delory-Momberger (2012) discussing and elaborating our interpretive analyzes about the narratives of the Self and the We. The results indicate that experiences can be multiple and formative, both individually and collectively since life stories can be continually reinterpreted.
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