A análise textual discursiva como caminho para a compreensão de histórias de vida em pesquisa educacional
Análise textual discursiva, Metodologia de análise, História de vidaAbstract
The methodological approach using life histories is been used in educational research. This study investigates how the Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA), developed by Morais and Galiazzi (2016), guides to the understanding and interpretation of the subjects' life histories. It was necessary to explain the stages of the ATD analysis cycle, exemplifying them with the data of a master's research (AUTOR, 2018). The qualitative approach basis this research, which concludes that the ATD is suitable for the analysis of (auto) biographical narratives, for guiding the recognition of meanings, for the organization of the categories and the textual self-organization, which brings to the results of the research.
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