Curriculum and Field Education

challenges and possibilities of Quilombola Peoples




Curriculum and society, Education of/in the countryside, Tradicional quilombola people.


This article comprises a theoretical discussion established in studies on education and citizenship, aiming to reflect on the rural curriculum and education, with a view to the formation of peasant man, with regard to quilombola peoples, considering the need to point out and analyze the achievements of acquired rights. Based on a bibliographic and documentary review, where the study was anchored with the cooperation of contemporary authors, such as: Arroyo and Fernandez (1999), Caldart (2012-2008), Costa and Coelho (2022), Eça and Coelho (2021), Munanga (1996), Pinho (2017), Saviani (2016). The studies analyzed demonstrate an active role of traditional people in achieving educational rights through public policies, making it possible to ensure recognition as a participant in Brazilian society. The research also revealed that political action, shared by the collective, enables the mobilization of the agents involved to achieve academic success for Brazilian rural people, providing students with contact with formal education, without disregarding local culture. However, studies have shown that there still needs to be significant progress towards achieving a curriculum that makes the school fulfill its social role, with a view to valuing the “local knowledge” of these students. Therefore, the results will be fundamental to demonstrate what has been built and what needs to be advanced in relation to public policies to achieve equal and efficient education for the rural people (quilombola).


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Author Biographies

Arlete Rodrigues de Souza, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Paratinga

Professora da rede municipal de Paratinga -BA. Graduada em Pedagogia e Letras. Atualmente aluna especial no mestrado profissional em Intervenção Educativa Social.

Suely Ferreira Sá Teles, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Paratinga

Professora da Rede Municipal de Paratinga - BA, graduada em Letras, pela UFPB. Atualmente aluna especial do Mestrado Intervenção Educativa Social.

Luís Geraldo Leão Guimarães, Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB, DCHT, Campus XVII

Professor adjunto da Universidade do estado da Bahia. Dr. em Educação e Contemporaneidade, pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES DE SOUZA, A.; FERREIRA SÁ TELES, S.; LEÃO GUIMARÃES, L. G. Curriculum and Field Education: challenges and possibilities of Quilombola Peoples. Ouricuri Magazine, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 2, 2025. DOI: 10.59360/ouricuri.vol14.i2.a21948. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.



Dossier: Interdisciplinarity on the agenda: socializing different research contexts

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