Storytelling Under Complex Thinking

understanding the human, including and reconnecting knowledges




Storytelling; Complex Thought; Human Understanding; Inclusion; Reconnecting Knowledge.


Edgar Morin has not written specific works about storytelling or literature, but addresses the subject in certain passages and chapters of his books. In this article, we investigate how storytelling can be understood in light of Complex Thought, based on some of Morin's writings. We do not review all of Morin's works, but rather dialogue with some of his ideas to understand how storytelling and aesthetic delight can be understood according to Complex Thought and, thereby, be applied in education. Our investigation indicates that, to Morin, literature facilitates the understanding of the many dimensions of the human being. It connects reason and emotion, subjective and objective dimensions, imagination and reality, rational-logical and analogical-symbolic language, aspects of human singularity and universality, and the individual and the social.


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Author Biographies

Flavia Diniz Roldão, UNIBRASIL - UFPR

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Master in Psychology from the same institution. Specialization in Art Therapy, Analytical Psychology, and Fundamentals of Arts Teaching. Psychologist, Pedagogue and Theologian. Formation in Systemic Psychotherapy at INTERCEF, and Improvement in Mental Health at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. She is currently a professor at UNIBRASIL University Center. She works as a clinical psychologist in private practice with individual, family, and marital psychotherapy. She is a member of the Study and Research Group - Pedagogy, Complexity and Education GEPEPECOE (CNPq) and the Cognition, Learning and Human Development Group at UFPR.

Anderson Francisco Vitorino, UFAL

Doctoral student in Education at UFPR. Master in Education from UFS (2017). Member of the Study and Research Group - Pedagogy, Complexity and Education GEPEPECOE (CNPq). Member of the research project FALIBRAS - UFAL. Center for Study, Extension, and Research in Educational Inclusion and Assistive Technology (NUPITA/UFS). Center for Studies and Research on the Interiorization of Sign Language (NEPILS). Address: Maceió-AL, Brazil.


Ricardo Antunes de Sá, UFPR

Graduated in Pedagogy - UFPR (1988). Master in Education - UFPR (1997). PhD in Education - UNICAMP (2007). Post Doctorate in Education - Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2018). He was Pedagogical Coordinator of the Technical School of UFPR (1996 to 1997). He was Vice-Coordinator and Coordinator of the Pedagogy Course of the Education Sector of UFPR (1997-1999). Internship at the National Distance Education University UNED in Madrid (1999). He was one of the founders of the Nucleus of Distance Education (NEAD) at UFPR (1999). He was coordinator of the course of Pedagogy of the Initial Series of Fundamental Education in the modality of Distance Education of UFPR (1999 to 2002). He was director of the Department of Diffusion and Technology of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Curitiba (2005 to 2006). He develops studies in the area of formation and performance of Teachers and Pedagogues. Epistemology of Pedagogy. Complex Thought. Digital Media and Technologies applied to Education. Distance Education (DE). She is a member of the Research Group Teacher Education, Curriculum, and Pedagogical Practices: contemporary paradigms. She is a member of the Research Group Educational Paradigms and Teacher Training - PUC-PR. He is the leader of the Study and Research Group Pedagogy, Complexity, and Education. He is a professor in the Master's and Doctoral programs in the Graduate Program in Education and in the Professional Master's Program at UFPR. He is Coordinator of the Graduate Program: Theory and Practice of Teaching for the biennium 2019-2021. He was reelected for the biennium 2021-2023. Member of the National Committee of the Center for Studies and Research - Edgar Morin. He has been an Associate Professor IV at the Education Sector of the Federal University of Paraná since 1992.



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How to Cite

ROLDÃO, F. D.; VITORINO, A. F.; SÁ, R. A. de. Storytelling Under Complex Thinking: understanding the human, including and reconnecting knowledges. Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade, [S. l.], v. 31, n. 68, p. 20–33, 2022. DOI: 10.21879/faeeba2358-0194.2022.v31.n68.p20-33. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.