Learning Choreographies in Emergency Remote Teaching:

teacher training for Vocational and Technological Education





Teacher training, Teaching practice, Professional Education, Digital Technology


This text presents the result of a descriptive and qualitative research, carried out in a continuous training course for teachers of professional and technological education, for teaching work in remote teaching. The objective was to identify learning choreographies innovative, mediated by digital technologies. 86 professors who had completed the course promoted by the School of Server Development, of a federal public institution, were invited by e-mail to participate in this research. This is descriptive qualitative research, whose data collection consisted of the researcher's participation in 04 synchronous meetings of the course and in the application of an online form to complement the results, aiming at achieving the proposed objective. In addition, didactic materials such as student portfolios, dialogues and all files posted in the Google Classroom virtual class were consulted, since due to social isolation the course was asynchronous with synchronous moments. For the synchronous moments, the Microsoft Teams platform was used. The analyzes indicate that there was a teaching learning in relation to the use of digital technologies for the elaboration of choreographies favorable to a more active, autonomous, and innovative learning.


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Author Biography

Maria Adélia da Costa, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais

Doctor in Education and Master in Technological Education. Degree in Pedagogy. Professor at the Department of Education and at the Graduate Program in Technological Education at CEFET-MG. Leader of the Dprodept Research Group. Author and organizer of books on professional education, teacher training and remote teaching.


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How to Cite

COSTA, M. A. da. Learning Choreographies in Emergency Remote Teaching:: teacher training for Vocational and Technological Education. Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade, [S. l.], v. 31, n. 65, p. 156–173, 2022. DOI: 10.21879/faeeba2358-0194.2022.v31.n65.p156-173. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/faeeba/article/view/11313. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.