La formation des enseignants a la lumiere de la psychanalyse1




Education, Psychanalyse, Analyse, Pratique


This article attempts to assess the impact of specific methods, inspired by psychoanalysisin the training of teachers and education professionals. It deals with the issues of subjectivity and the nature of the “subjects” of professional practice, the professionalization ans also the professional “identity”. It analyzes the transition from actor to subject in its capacity to transform irrational and unconscious (albeit operationally programmed) behaviour into more rational action. The article highlights a specificity of the psychoanalytical approach. Indeed, the problematization process influences uniquely the way the problems of thought, action and existence are questioned. Under these conditions, the approach to the subject is therefore inseparable from the nature of the object (epistemology); it leads to a reflection on action and on its capacity to transform the subject in and through action. Finally, this approach is based on the Freudian anthropological conception of impulses, of their destiny, and on the capacity of the human being to master them in order to survive. The article points out the threats to this lucid, daring and yet cautious approach.


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How to Cite

CHAMI, J. . La formation des enseignants a la lumiere de la psychanalyse1. Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 60, p. 117–126, 2020. DOI: 10.21879/faeeba2358-0194.2020.v29.n60.p117-126. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.