The The challenges and potential of the area of Natural Sciences in the LEDOCS of Southern Brazil
Educação do Campo; Ciências da Natureza; Licenciatura em Educação do Campo; Formação por área de conhecimentoAbstract
The present work seeks to construct an analysis of the challenges and potentialities in the consolidation of collectives of educators, teachers, in the area of natural sciences in the degrees in rural education in the southern region of Brazil. In this way, we seek to organize our exhibition in three distinct moments that go through the history of the constitution of Rural Education courses based on educational public policies such as PRONERA and PROCAMPO, contextualizing the construction and consolidation of the collective of teachers in natural sciences and rural education courses in southern Brazil. Following the debate, we seek a theoretical understanding of the constitution of teachers in higher education and, consequently, in the field of education in the field. Based on this theoretical construction, we seek to present the potential and challenges of the area of natural sciences in undergraduate degrees in education at UFPR, UFSC and UFRGS, debating the path towards the consolidation of a collective of teachers who work with the issues of natural sciences combined with the context farmer.
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Atualizado em 15/07/2017