

Technology, Google Earth, Geography, Opportunities


The various technological resources of sec. XXI offer multiple opportunities for educators to build a better geographic and spatial understanding among students and bridge the gap between students and teachers and the less interactive paper map. Google Earth demonstrated support for students' learning in the geography discipline and increased levels of interactivity and user experience. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Google Earth on student learning. The key question is: Does incorporating Google Earth into the contents of the social studies room impact student learning? This study indicates that the average grades in social studies in the class using Google Earth were higher than those using a printed map.


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Author Biography

Vilmar Joaquim dos Santos, State University of Southwest Bahia - UESB Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology from Bahia - IFBAIANO

Master's student in Teaching at the State University of Southwest Bahia - PPGEn. Graduated in Geography Degree from the State University of Southwest Bahia. Postgraduate in Methodology of Teaching History and Geography and Postgraduate in Regional Geography of Brazil at Universidade Futura. Activities: * EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia, acting at an integrated technical level in Agriculture and in the Geography Graduation course, teaching Rural Geography, World Space Organization and Brazilian Space Organization. * Scholarship holder of the framing course in distance education, which is part of the actions of the Open University of Brazil Program - UAB / CAPES / MEC, developed by the DISTANCE EDUCATION SUPERITENDENCE - SEAD in partnership with the Faculty of Education - FACED of the Federal University of Bahia . * Scholarship holder of the Pre University program "University for All" of the Government of the State of Bahia, aimed at high school graduates from public schools. Ex-scholarship holder from the private education network the Instituto Educacional do Sudoeste da Bahia, acting as a teacher / monitor with elementary and high school students, using the methods and materials of the Bernoulli Teaching system.


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How to Cite

DOS SANTOS, V. J. GOOGLE EARTH AS A METHODOLOGICAL RESOURCE WITHIN GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION. Revista Encantar, [S. l.], v. 2, p. 01–13, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.