The Importance of Mathematics in Early Childhood Education:

A Bibliographical Look


  • Rodrigo Magno dos Santos Vale Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau-Pituba


Early Childhood Education, Mathematics, Teaching, Learning


This article aims to discuss the importance and presence of mathematics teaching in Early Childhood Education, highlighting its collaboration for the full development of the child, through its integrative potential that enables the child to build their own knowledge in the light of a Piagetian reference. To this end, we seek to highlight the recommendations and didactic guidelines of the National Curricular Reference for Kindergarten, in order to broaden the educators' view on the Mathematics curriculum in Kindergarten. Finally, we indicate a methodology that is coherent with the adopted reference, that is, Problem Solving, to explore the potential of children's logical mathematical reasoning, providing opportunities for discovery and making them agents of their learning.


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How to Cite

Magno dos Santos Vale, R. (2023). The Importance of Mathematics in Early Childhood Education:: A Bibliographical Look. Encontro De Ludicidade E Educação Matemática, 4(01), e202330. Retrieved from