As potencialidades e os desafios lúdico-pedagógicas do Laboratório de Ensino de Matemática - LEMAT no cenário do ensino remoto emergencial



Teaching laboratory. Math. Emergency remote teaching. Ludic.


This work aims to report the experience of members of the mathematics teaching laboratory - LEMAT, at the University of Brasília -UnB, in the realization of playful-pedagogical activities, in the context of Emergency Remote Teaching-ERE, for teachers from elementary school and undergraduates

in mathematics, from August 2020 to June 2021. The activities were developed through virtual platforms (Zoom, Meet, Teams) and made available on the GIEM channel (Research Group in Teaching of Mathematics / UnB) on youtube. To carry out the activities, theoretical studies were carried out on playfulness, the use of technologies in the teaching of mathematics, teacher training and distance and remote teaching. Subsequently, in view of the schools' requests, the activities were planned and executed with the purpose of meeting the demands, which were mostly from teachers who worked in high school. At the end of each activity, participants had the opportunity to do one through a google forms questionnaire, which allowed the organizers to have feedback on the practices. The results showed that the participants enjoyed the activities, sought to continue the educational process, making use of technological resources, resorting to the appropriation of knowledge inherent to distance learning, as well as seeking courses, lives, and other content available in the digital environment.


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Author Biographies

Josyane dos Santos Pereira, Universidade de Brasília

Subsequently, in response to requests from the schools, the activities were planned and carried out with the purpose of meeting the demands, which were mostly from teachers who worked in high school. At the end of each activity, participants had the opportunity to make an assessment through a google forms questionnaire, which allowed the organizers to have feedback on the practices.

Josyane dos Santos Pereira, Universidade de Brasília

Subsequently, in response to requests from the schools, the activities were planned and carried out with the purpose of meeting the demands, which were mostly from teachers who worked in high school. At the end of each activity, participants had the opportunity to make an assessment through a google forms questionnaire, which allowed the organizers to have feedback on the practices.

Brendo Oliveira Damasceno, Universidade de Brasília

Estudante de graduação em matemática na Universidade de Brasília - UnB. memnro do laboratório de ensino de matema´tica da UnB - LEMAT.

Brendo Oliveira Damasceno, Universidade de Brasília

Estudante de graduação em matemática na Universidade de Brasília - UnB. memnro do laboratório de ensino de matema´tica da UnB - LEMAT.

Raiane Lopes da Cruz, Universidade de Brasília

Graduanda do curso de  licenciatura em matemática da Universidade de Brasília - UnB. Membros do laboratório de ensino de matema´tica da UnB - LEMAT.

Magno Ramos Azevedo, Universidade de Brasília

Graduando do curso de lecenciatura em matema´tica da Universidade de Brasília - UnB. Memrbo do laboratório de ensino de matema´tica da UnB - LEMAT.

Rafaela Santos dos Nascimento, Universidade de Brasília

Graduanda do curso de licenciatura em matemática da Universidade de Brasília - UnB. Membro do laboratório de ensino de matema´tica da UnB - LEMAT.


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How to Cite

Braga, M. D., dos Santos Pereira, J., dos Santos Pereira, J., Oliveira Damasceno, B., Oliveira Damasceno, B., Lopes da Cruz, R., Ramos Azevedo, M., & Santos dos Nascimento, R. (2021). As potencialidades e os desafios lúdico-pedagógicas do Laboratório de Ensino de Matemática - LEMAT no cenário do ensino remoto emergencial. Encontro De Ludicidade E Educação Matemática, 3(1), e202112. Retrieved from