Validation of the educational orientation variable in the teaching-learning process




educational orientation, validation, specialists, Multidimensional Correlation Coefficient rpj.


Educational guidance in the teaching-learning process is a little-studied construct, therefore, it is necessary to deepen the totality and relevance of the elements that characterize it so that it can become a research variable. Once the variable is defined, it is submitted to the criteria of specialists in the subject to verify its degree of coherence and reliability. The questionnaire for specialists was used as an empirical method. As statistical methods, the calculation of the median and the application of the Multidimensional Correlation Coefficient rpj are used with the use of the Processing Software to determine the degree of coherence in complex and dynamic systems and processes: Cohaerentîa. On the basis of the quantitative results, qualitative assessments were made. The analysis of the results led to the improvement of the wording of the variable, the contextualization of the dimensions to the teaching-learning process and the adjustment of the indicators, so that they could guide the design of instruments. The results of the validation revealed the relevance of the variable and the need for its study. The objective of this article is to socialize the results obtained in the validation of the educational orientation variable in the teaching-learning process.


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Author Biographies

Norma González Ruda, Universidad Tecnológica de La Haban

Licencida en Educación en la Especialidad de Pedagogía y Psicología en el Instituto Superior Pedagógico Enrique José Varona. Estudios de maestría en la Universidad de la Habana, título de Master en Psicología Educativa. Investigaciones en la tutoría y la orietación educativa, además de la dirección del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Profesora del Centro de Referencia para la Educación de Avanzada (CREA) de la Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae. Formación en el Programa de docotrado en Educación Superior. CREA

Zeydi Sandra López collazo, Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Master in education. Professor at the Reference Center for Advanced Education (CREA) of the Technological University of Havana, José Antonio Echeverría, CUJAE. Titular teacher

Eddy Rodríguez Díaz, Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Professor at the Reference Center for Advanced Education (CREA) of the Technological University of Havana, José Antonio Echeverría, CUJAE. Associate Professor

Ibette Alfonso Pérez, Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Master in Social Psychology. Guest professor at the Technical University of Oruro and the National University Siglo XX. Bolivia. Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

GONZÁLEZ RUDA, N.; LÓPEZ COLLAZO, Z. S.; RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ, E.; ALFONSO PÉREZ, I. Validation of the educational orientation variable in the teaching-learning process. Diálogos e Perspectivas Interventivas, [S. l.], v. 4, p. e18789, 2023. DOI: 10.52579/diapi.vol4.i.a18789. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

