Dynamic evaluation, Teaching of the heritage, The postgraduate students' representationsAbstract
At the present time in the educational institutions, the heritage education from the first childhood their introduction is affected in the curriculum, among other you reason, due to the representations that possess the educational ones on the teaching of the heritage. Before this situation, she decided to take advantage of the course of postgraduate Heritage and university to apply the dynamic evaluation to the potential of the graduate degree students' learning for the transformations of the representations on the teaching of the heritage in the educational institutions (objective of the investigation). For the study of the representations, the selected method was the survey; two were used, that of Estepa, Ávila and Ruiz which is constituted by the Questionnaire about the teaching-diffusion of the patrimony and an adaptation of this for the Cuban context. Methodological procedures were also created that contributed to the self-evaluation of the students. They participated in this investigation like study group, the students of two editions of the Master in Work Sociocultural University student of the course before mentioned. The fundamental results were: the effectiveness from the dynamic evaluation to the being accompanied by self-evaluation processes that understood the self-analysis, the confrontations of knowledge and the discussions of the individual and group results.
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