A phenomenological reflection on the questionnaire in the study Scientific Norms and Values and how this relates to a possible Hawthorne Effect
Hawthorne Effect, Phenomenology, Questionnaire, Conscience, IntentionalityAbstract
This paper presents a phenomenological reflection on the use of the questionnaire as a method of data collection in the study Scientific Norms and Values by Mendez-Ochaita, et. al. (2019), hypothesizing about it a possible special kind of Hawthorne Effect and concluding that this, although important as a finding, does not seem to alter the conclusions of the study. Through the phenomenological deepening of the experience of undergoing and answering the questionnaire, this essay exposed and clarified a series of phenomena, which led to the essay's hypothesis, such as the expansion of consciousness for representativeness, and subsequently corroborated it, such as phenomenal intentionality.
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