The Discovery of Bahia by the Italians, or

how Jorge Amado taught Bahia to the Italian reader




Jorge Amado, Bahia, Italy


Jorge Amado, a world-famous Brazilian writer, had a great influence on Italian culture. His work has been translated and appreciated here since the 1950s, contributing greatly to the popularity of Brazilian literature in Italy. The aim of this article is to highlight how, in the imaginary of the Italian reader of Amado, the idea of Brazil is confused with that of Bahia narrated by the author: a universe whose true protagonist is the popular, mixed and syncretic culture. In addition, we reflect on the enormous success abroad of an author who speaks basically of untranslatable themes, without this being an obstacle for foreign readers who know little or nothing about traditional Afro-Brazilian practices, the culture of axé, coronelismo and grapiúna folklore. After a brief consideration on the importance of the translator's work, which contributes to this success, the article analyses three of Amado's best known works in Italy: O Sumiço da Santa, Gabriela cravo e e canela and Dona Flor e seus dois maridos. For each one of them, we tried to highlight the elements that contributed the most to its success in Italy, citing links and interweaving between Amado's work and Italian literary, cinematographic and musical productions.


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Author Biography

Tiziana Tonon, Università degli studi di Genova

Licenciada em Letras e Mestra em Antropologia cultural pela Università degli Studi di Genova. Vínculo institucional: Università degli studi di Genova. Conselheira e responsável pela tradução editorial da ANITI-Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti.


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How to Cite

TONON, T. The Discovery of Bahia by the Italians, or: how Jorge Amado taught Bahia to the Italian reader. Tabuleiro de Letras, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 89–98, 2023. DOI: 10.35499/tl.v17i1.17146. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

