A redação do ENEM e a competência V:
as relações dialógicas presentes na cartilha do participante
The writing test of the ENEM has become a highly valued object in our society, considering that its result represents a significant portion of the exam's grade. Moreover, success in the exam allows students who have completed high school, for example, to have access to higher education, since many universities have used its results as a form of admission. Thus, teachers and researchers are increasingly focusing on writing tests. In the case of this article, our attention turns specifically to Competence V of ENEM's Reference Matrix, which concerns the elaboration of a proposal for social intervention. This choice is justified by the fact that, as a teacher-researcher, we noticed that this is one of the criteria that students have the most difficulties with, as well as the competence that most interferes with the final grade since the performance in it is lower than expected. Thus, we analyzed the following official document made available by the Ministry of Education related to this competence: the Cartilha do Participante. Our objective, therefore, is to analyze how this official document understands Competence V and how it guides its production, seeking to unveil the dialogic relations that the document establishes with discourses that circulate in society. Our theoretical base is based on Applied Linguistics, on the discussions of the Dialogical Theory of Language, mobilized by Bakhtin's Circle, besides being anchored in Brazilian researchers who discuss the teaching of Portuguese Language. This research is qualitative-interpretative and document analysis (MOITA LOPES, 1998; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2008; FLICK, 2009). After analyzing the orientation of the Participant's Booklet regarding Competence V, we found that the document establishes dialogic relations with governmental discourses of youth protagonism and with those that promote the exercise of citizenship by young Brazilians.
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