Nomear é chamar à existência: a nomeação de Deus e do Diabo em Hilda Hilst e Guimarães Rosa
In 1987, the writer and literature critic Oscar D’Ambrósio publishes in the newspaper Estado de São Paulo an article named: “Guimarães Rosa encontra seu duplo: Hilda Hilst.” Starting from this literary identification and finding support in interviews given by the author, where she recognized not only the poetic proximity of their works, but also his influence on her, and her fondness for him, this work aims to investigate a common feature of both authors, the obsessive process of naming God and the Devil. Making God one of her investigations not only in literature, but also in philosophy and everyday life, Hilst put into prose, and poetry, her excruciating doubt about divine existence. On the other bank, we find Guimarães Rosa who, in Grande Sertão: Veredas, weaves a questioning character, unmoved in the face of doubt about the Devil's existence. Riobaldo, in his journey, conceived a vast onomastic and pictorial cartography of the one he so often says to avoid. A common feature in the authors, we will investigate the pressing need for naming, investigating the latent meaning of this almost Adamic process.
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