Interlanguage aspects in Portuguese Foreign language: Syntactic Structures

Estruturas sintáticas


  • Diocleciano Nhatuve Universidade do Zimbabwe/Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
  • Sávio Malope Univeridade do Zimbabwe - Doutorando
  • Nelson Ernesto Universidade Eduardo Mondlane



The learning process and the use of the Portuguese as a foreign language reveal particular linguistic and strategic aspects regarding construction of sentences, especially in the first stages of learning process. The aim of this paper is to identify and describe tendencies of speakers of Shona and English when constructing simple sentences in Portuguese. The study is informed by principles of interlanguage, and it adopts a qualitative approach. Data comprises syntactic structures (simple sentences and phrases) written by first and second-year university learner of the Portuguese language. Results reveal the following tendencies: (1) omission of verbs in simple sentences, (2) the use of two verbs in simple sentences, (3) lack of agreement of grammatical person and number between verbs and subjects, (4) irregular combination of verbs and arguments (subjects and objects), (5) the use of transitive verbs as non-transitive ones, and (6) non-target nominal agreement of grammatical gender and number. All these tendencies, however, can be analyzed considering manifestations of different stages of interlanguage.


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How to Cite

NHATUVE, D.; MALOPE, S. .; ERNESTO, N. Interlanguage aspects in Portuguese Foreign language: Syntactic Structures: Estruturas sintáticas . Tabuleiro de Letras, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 1, p. 211–225, 2021. DOI: 10.35499/tl.v15i1.11363. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

