Experimental projects that make a difference: critical teacher training practices from the English Language and Literatures Course at Campus V of UNEB



Differences; curriculum; extensionist experiences; racial literacy; teacher training; English language teaching


In this article, we, teacher trainers and researchers on the Undergraduate English Language and Literature Course of Campus V at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), present and reflect on some (trans)formative experiences of our extension projects that have made and continue making a difference despite the adverse scenario for such work. These projects implement themes in the teaching of the English language that promote critical-reflective learning towards justice, whether they relate to social, ethnic, racial, gender and/or erotic issues. Without losing sight of the intersectional debate, in an embodied account of these experiences, we, the authors of this experiencial writing reflect about the curriculum and pedagogical practices of the course. On the other hand, we argue in favor of the continued existence of such projects, for their permanence as part of the curricular and institutional components of the course, advocating these themes as an inherent part of the of our ontological, political and epistemic existence, therefore being indispensable to the teacher training process.


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How to Cite

Nunes , A. G. ., Nascimento, C. G., & Inkpin, S. C. . (2021). Experimental projects that make a difference: critical teacher training practices from the English Language and Literatures Course at Campus V of UNEB. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Núcleo De Pesquisa E Extensão (RevNUPE), 1(1), e202107. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/revnupe/article/view/13192



Dossiê: Produção e gestão do conhecimento em sexualidades, gênero e raça/etnias